HIS «Askep.net»

International Healthcare SaaS solution to automate the workflow of medical institutions.

System Modules:

«make an appointment with a doctor online»

  • For patient

- Catalogue of medical institutions and doctors
- View the schedule of online recording to make an appointmet
- Reminder about the appointment

  • For doctor

- View who and when has an appointment with him
- View the complaint the patient is addressing with
- View the patient's medical card before the appointment

  • For registry

- Editing Doctors Schedules
- View and edit all appointments at the institution

Electronic Medical Card of the Patient

  • For doctor

Adding information to the patient's card according to medical templates.

  • For patient

A personal on-line office with all medical history.

Module «Laboratory»

  • Laboratory assistant

Entering results of patient's analyses in their medical card in accordance with a number of templates with the ability to independently form your own forms in the constructor.

  • For Doctor and Patient

The patient profile records the results of analyses from all institutions that are connected to the system.
With the ability to print out the results, save to PDF, send to e-mail.

Module «Hospital»

  • For doctor

Medical forms of registration documentation for hospitality patients (f. 003, f. 066) with the possibility of correcting patient's treatment directly from the tablet during diagnosis.

  • For patient

In the personal cabinet, the patient has the opportunity to view the whole history of treatment in a medical institution with the entire history of appointments and the medical process.

  • For the Head of the department

Advanced search and making reports on diagnoses, patient information, treatment outcomes.

Module «Statistics»

  • Internal statistics

Expanded managerial statistics for each doctor according to a number of factors (number of accepted patients, made diagnoses, forms for incapacity to work, sick leaves, etc.).

  • eHealth statistics

Advanced search by declarations, detailed statistics on declarations, salary calculation, geo-data.

  • Forming of jornals

Automatic formation of official reporting forms for the Ministry of Health.

  • Official reporting

Automatic formation of official reporting forms for the Ministry of Health.

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Next items were registered in our system:

1253 Medical institutions
(4852 branches)





Inpatient treatment histories

Frequently asked questions

Answers to the questions that are most often asked.
How are you different from competitors?
One of the largest functionals in one solution at one of the lowest prices.
What are the technical requirements for equipment?
Askep.net is a cloud service. Any office level computer with an internet connection is enough. There is also no need for servers or other additional equipment.
Is it safe to store my data?
The data is stored on secure servers with certificates of protection CSRI and compliance with ISO / IEC 27001: 2015 DSTU with security algorithms for hashing and symmetric encryption (AES). The same servers store data of state institutions and large banks..
Can I make changes to the program?
Personally, you cannot, since this is a cloud solution, but we are quite flexible in the matter of the wishes of the establishments, so we make any changes to the functional for a particular institution. As well as writing additional non-typical functional modules.
Can I see my data from other places.?
You can see the data from all medical institutions if the MIS Askep is installed there, or one of the other partner systems with which we have data synchronization. As a part of the development of eHealth CC starting from 2020 full data exchange is planned between all MISs, respectively, and institutions.
We are already using another system, can we switch to yours?
eHealth data flashes instantly without loss (institution, doctors, declarations), while other data can be migrated if the access to the database of the previous system is given.
Can we get your decision for free?
Unfortunately no, because in order for the solution to be the best, it is necessary to maintain and develop it, funds are needed for this purpose:)
However, we are open to negotiate payment schemes (installments, loans, work with funds, etc.)

Key benefits

for specific subjects of system users

Registration of an institution in eHealth

Registration of doctors in eHealth

Signing of declarations of patients with doctors

Electronic prescription

Contracting of institutions with National Health Service of Ukraine

Electronic Registry

Patient database

Review and update patient records

Entering patient records

Formation of statistics and reporting

Online appointment with the doctor

Patient records

History of examinations, diagnoses, prescribed treatment

View lablaboratory results

Use of health insurance

Access to employeess signal markers (blood type, allergies)

View discharged sick leaveі and disability records

The possibility of paying medical services for employees

Corporate health insurance


In MIS «Askep.net» implemented blockchaine technology,
what makes it impossible to fake or delete patient data.

mobile application

A mobile application with both a doctor and patient profile.
Available on the Apple store and on the Google Play.

  • for patients - a reminder of the admission to the doctor
  • for doctors - a reminder of the appointment of patients
Download from:

Specialized solutions



  • Accounting forappointments of patients.
  • Accounting for appointments of pregnant.
  • Record of childbirth in the hospital.


  • The history of pregnancy and childbirth.


  • Make an appointment online.
  • Automated reminders about periodic procedures (cleaning, inspection).


  • Tooth card with a history of procedures.
  • Form management: 090/о, 027-1/о.
  • Their transition to the form 030-6 / o - Registration card of the patient for a malignant neoplasm.
  • All patient data is automated processed, compiled and reported to the national cancer registry in the form of a report form No. 35 and No. 7.
  • Body Map with View Points.
  • Upload photos to the result of the examination of the patient.
Ultrasound procedure
  • Download images from ultrasound procedure to the result of the examination of the patient.


  • The patient does not have access to the treatment history.
  • Secure internal server-side data storage exclusively in hospitals.

Do You Want Your Institution
To Become an Industry Leader?

  • automate business processes
  • provide additional service to customers
  • deal with patient treatment but not papers
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